About Mcruxive


Who is Mcruxive

Started in 2019, Mcruxive is a design and research service that allows its clients to choose their projects and work alongside Mcruxive to complete their chosen tasks. These include a range of designs, research and web design tasks, all taken under by Mcruxive.

The services tab will show in detail the services Mcruxive will undertake. For example, several of these tasks include web design, logo design, research, animation, and UX design. Emailing for any additional design project is also possible.

Qualified to Design

With a degree in Interactive Design, the tasks to be taken up are endless, Research, logo design, web design and more.

Support and Feedback Guaranteed

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.

The founder

The founder of Mcruxive is Mark Craven. He is qualified in Interactive Design (BA Hons), specialising in graphic design, research, web design and more. He has also worked with clients such as the University of Lincoln, and the RAF, which can be viewed on the projects tab. You can contact Mark personally by visiting his LinkedIn below.
Mark's LinkedIn
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